
New Project - We Are Nature Vol. VI

I did not plan to finish this series yet. But as the global crisis caused by the Coronavirus, most of my commissioned works are either canceled or postponed. Especially the projects that require travel. I feel sorry for everyone affected.

In 2010 I began my journey experimenting with multiple exposure photography. During the years I have (well, others too) been asking myself sometimes, am I limiting my imagination when strictly sticking to this technique? Today, I am releasing my first personal project that was not created/blended in-camera. I decided to still bring inspiration from both the multiple exposure film algorithms (negative film) and some basic darkroom techniques, I suppose it is only natural to me to keep some limitations. The process has been different; not for the worse—Just different. I hope you enjoy!

Jarred & Displaced featured in the Guardian

I'm excited to announce that my latest double exposure project Jarred & Displaced has received good exposure internationally. I'm sorry to plague you with this cliché, but words cannot express how grateful I am. Really! Thank you all for your support; whether it's a kind email or a major publication.

This weekend I was featured in the Guardian, both online and in print in the Observer.

Jarred & Displaced was also recently featured in several major blogs and magazines, including The Creators Project - VICE, Colossal, Booooooom, PetaPixel, Behancé and